Lupin is committed to ensuring sustainable growth by adopting the right Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) measures. As a leading pharmaceutical player supplying medicines to over 100 countries, all our sites are certified by relevant regulatory bodies. We continue to upgrade and invest in infrastructure to create a greener operational footprint, while investing in our employees’ health and safety through training, process overhauls and technology deployment.
Four major API sites — Tarapur, Ankleshwar, Dabhasa and Mandideep — have received high scores in the International Sustainability Rating System (ISRS), one of the world’s leading comprehensive safety and sustainability management certification systems. Three sites were rated at level 7 and one at level 6 on a 10-point scale, during the last audit.
Lupin is the only pharmaceutical company to achieve a rating of 7, the highest ISRS rating in the sector, globally.

Stringent safety protocols (including deep sanitisation of the premises and mandatory and robust screening procedures for all employees) have been implemented at all our sites so that work continues without disruption. Social distancing is practiced across shop floors, QC laboratories and canteens. Employees, contractors and visitors are provided with masks and sanitisers. Mock drills are carried out at each facility to prepare for emergencies, as well as to check the efficacy of our COVID-19 response protocols.
Employee safety has been at the core of all decision making at Lupin to navigate the COVID-19 crisis.
Truly generating value for all our stakeholders has meant operating responsibly while being commercially successful. Lupin’s business goals are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our commitment — to the planet and the communities in which we operate — is demonstrated through our values, policies and processes. Sustainability is at the core of our operations: we ensure that environmental and social principles are integrated into our operations, not just to preserve valuable natural resources but to also deliver long-term stakeholder value.

A combination of various approaches — using cleaner fuel, installing solar panels at our units, installing LED bulbs, and deploying variable frequency drives and motion sensors in offices and warehouses — has reduced our dependency on fossil fuels and optimised energy utilisation.
Over 10% of the energy used in Lupin’s manufacturing plants and R&D centres comes from renewable sources.
State-of-the-art wastewater treatment and water recovery plants aid in the recovery of water from wastewater generated in our manufacturing plants. Almost 70% wastewater generated in our plants is recycled and reused for utilities. Steam condensate is also recovered and reused in boilers.
Recovered water constitutes 30% of the total water consumption in our plants.

At Lupin, we are serious about our ecological footprint and hence about how we treat our waste. All hazardous and non-hazardous waste generated in our facilities is segregated, recovered, recycled and disposed of in compliance with regulations. All our biodegradable waste is either upgraded to organic fertiliser or sent to animal farms.
Greenhouse gas emissions at Lupin have been in line with the emission factors of the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), 2018, India, and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2020.
Using solar and wind power has helped substantially reduce tCO2e at Lupin.